Picture Perfect

A quirky painting sim for one.

Picture Perfect is a painting sim made in 4 days for the 2021 Scribble
Jam by a team of 3.

I owned our UX, gameplay designUI, visual direction, and sprite art.

The software I used included Unity, Photoshop, Google Docs, Trello, and GitHub Desktop.
Figure out what's suspicious about each painting.
Figure out what's suspicious about each painting.
And fix it!
And fix it!
But if that's not your style—
But if that's not your style—
—just have fun painting.
—just have fun painting.
It's common in games to approach UX with the intent of it being streamlined, for it to be made as unobtrusive as possible. This was true for Picture Perfect too, for a while.
It started pretty simple; the goal was to create a silly painting sim.
My teammate's original concept for Picture Perfect.
My teammate's original concept for Picture Perfect.
But when I got to try out our first prototype, that's all it was, a painting sim. We might as well have cloned Microsoft Paint!
So I pitched a small change. Not to our visuals or gameplay design, but to our UX: what if the player had to manually pick up the paintbrush instead of controlling it?
My extremely artistic rendition of the cursor being used to hold the paintbrush.
My extremely artistic rendition of the cursor being used to hold the paintbrush.
It made the prototype feel clunky, silly, unrefined—perfect for an entry to a "scribble" themed game jam. Picture Perfect was a fun reminder that sometimes "bad" can be good.
GIF of the goof-ified prototype.
GIF of the goof-ified prototype.
You can play Picture Perfect on itch.io.